Wasting 1 hour time for free? Duh!

after - magic

before - unmagic

featuring model of the month? since when?

well, since i already took a nap like 5 hours during the day, when night came, for sure, i became an owl. couldn't sleep at all! spent my time watching tv and just browsing the net around (is there really such term?). whatever! like always, i checked my gmail first, then my friendster - they are just synonym. when i click on my who's viewed me? link on friendster, i found that this boy named sam visited my profile. then i was like - woooh! then i checked out his photos and one of his photos has grabbed my attention. well, there's nothing so interesting about the photo, only it was captured from the side and makes it nice (just nice?). you can see the original photo and the one that i've edited above. from the ori one, the fence really is distracting me and what did i do, (woops! it's not magic), it's Photoshop! hahaha! gotcha! anyway, whoever this boy, thanks for making me polishing my polished skills :) Contact me to claim your goodies (is there really any?). WHATEVERRRRR~!